Providing a professional bespoke service for companies wishing to implement clear and practical health and safety systems.
When you’re a company looking to implement sensible and proportional health and safety systems, we can help. Our approach is to provide practicable, personalised and professional health, safety and environmental advice, fitting the needs of the client.
Our advisors have both practical and academic experience, ensuring the solutions reflect not only legal compliance and best practice, but are achievable economically.
Health and Safety Consultancy Services
Examples of the health and safety consultancy work that we provide are shown below.
- Accident and Incident Investigation
- CDM Health and Safety Plans
- Compliance Checks and Action Plans
- COSHH Assessments
- General Advice and Support
- Health and Safety Policies
- Representation at Safety Meetings
- Risk Assessments
- Safe Systems of Work / Method Statements
- Site Monitoring
- Systems to aid Selection of Contractors
- Workplace Inspections
Do you have a ‘Competent Person’?
There should be someone in your business or organisation who is responsible for the management of health and safety within the workplace.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 states:
“Every Employer shall… appoint one or more competent persons to assist him in undertaking the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisions…”
The HSE government website states:
“You must get help from a competent person to enable you to meet the requirements of health and safety law.
A competent person is someone who has sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities that allow them to assist you properly. The level of competence required will depend on the complexity of the situation and the particular help you need.”
Why appoint an external ‘Competent Person’?
Health and safety is one of the most important and responsible roles within a business and yet it often just gets added to an employee’s existing responsibilities. Unfortunately, this can have a negative impact on your workforce and put them at risk.
Often, the employee hasn’t really got the time available to devote to the role and perform it to the best of their ability. The initial learnings are immense, as is the consistent requirement to keep updated on the ever-changing health and safety regulations and responsibilities. Neither would it probably be a role the employee would have chosen to do, resulting in being pushed down the task list on a regular basis, risking the health and safety of your team.
And, due to being a team member themselves, it’s rather difficult for an existing employee to successfully implement and maintain important health and safety standards internally, without the knowledge and experience of a health and safety professional. It’s impossible for one person to monitor health and safety standards every minute of the day, so achieving accountability from all employees is essential. A health and safety professional is experienced in helping employees understand the importance of health and safety then encouraging everyone to take responsibility.
By appointing Derwent Safety Centre as your named ‘Competent Person’, you will adhere to the regulations and will equip your company with the benefits highlighted below.
- The right to use the name of Derwent Safety Centre as your appointed Health and Safety Consultants in Client Pre Qualification Questionnaires or other Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) applications e.g. SMAS, Safe Contractor etc.
- Access to a Chartered Professional Safety and Health Practitioner to assist and advise on all aspects of health and safety.
- Telephone support.
In conjunction with our health and safety services, we can provide you with a number of products essential to your business, which include the following:
- Site safety documentation wallet;
- Safety signs; and
- Registers to record your statutory inspections.

Health and Safety Training Consultation
If you’re looking for advice on health and safety training, our decades of experience enable us to be able to provide you with the latest training advice and help you create your employee health and safety training plans. Just talk to us about your health and safety training needs.